We changed our name! Ballet Theatre of Carmel Academy is now Metropolitan Youth Ballet. This is a change in name only — our tremendous faculty and outstanding instruction remains the same.

We have a new location! Classes are now taking place at 6210 Technology Center Drive, Suite 200, Indianapolis. Watch the video below for a virtual tour of our space.


Metropolitan Youth Ballet (MYB) offers movement and ballet classes for the youngest dancers in the Preschool Division, and more structured ballet technique classes for dancers from Primary A through Level 6B. Classes follow the ABT® National Training Curriculum which outlines a set of milestones at each level for the dancer to master in order to advance to a higher level. In addition to ballet technique classes, MYB offers a variety of classes focusing on other aspects of classical ballet. Unsure of the best classes for your dancer? Call us at 317-798-2133.

Pre-Pointe is a pointe preparation class for serious ballet students interested in dancing en pointe. Pre-Pointe is a 30-minute class that meets weekly or bi-weekly, usually after the student’s ballet class. The class is initially taken barefoot to develop dexterity and strength in the toes and metatarsals along with a general conditioning of the body. At the instructor’s discretion, the dancer will graduate to wearing “pre-pointe” shoes – a modified version of a pointe shoe which provides the texture and feel of the harder sole and box of a pointe shoe but does not allow a dancer to go up onto the tip of the shoes.

A dancer is invited into pre-pointe class once she displays correct posture and placement in ballet class, and demonstrates adequate muscle control.

After mastering pre-pointe shoes and developing the necessary strength and control, a dancer will, at the discretion of their instructor, transition to Pointe class. Pointe class is 30 minutes, usually after the student’s ballet class. Early pointe classes are done solely with the support of the barre and center work is introduced very gradually. Dancers should expect the pre-pointe/pointe education phase to span a minimum of at 2 years before a dancer is deemed proficient enough to dance off the barre independently. This will ensure the proper and well-phased development in a dancer’s pointe technique. If a dancer moves through their pointe training period too rapidly it can lead to bad habits and ultimately severe injuries.

A Variation is a short dance (solo, duet, or trio) from a full-length ballet. Variations class is offered to Upper/Pre-Professional Division pointe students with a strong technical foundation. Variations class teaches dancers stamina, spacing, stage presence, and students will be exposed to a wide variety of technical styles, stories and steps while learning some of the most famous choreography in the ballet world!

Pas de Deux class is offered, by invitation of the Artistic Staff, to level 4A-6B dancers. The class focuses on understanding how male and female dancers work together. Our instructors work with dancers on technique, support, balance, coordination, lifting, and trust, and will tailor the class work to the level/ability of the dancers. Beginning work might include basic weight transfer exercises, promenades in various positions, pirouettes from fourth and finger turns. Lifts begin small and broken into segments, and work up to more complicated full lifts. Pas de Deux is a vital part of our curriculum to prepare dancers for our performances and potential performing careers, as well as just the enjoyment of learning to partner!

Character dance is a stylized representation of traditional folk or national dance. In classical ballets, Character dances are usually used to depict large scenes of gatherings, royal parties or festivals, and are often a joyous and celebratory part of a ballet. Character class uses music and dances from all over the world which have been adapted for theater, and helps students develop musicality, stage presence, and expressiveness.

Training young men to contribute to the art of classical ballet is very important to us! Boys are not only welcome, they are encouraged to dance at MYB and we invite them in with open arms! Boys may register to take any of our leveled classes alongside their female counterparts. However, when they reach a certain level, their training should include more specialized instruction to address the components of ballet that are specific to men. At this time, they may be recommended to join the Boys Ballet Class. Instruction in this class will focus on developing the endurance and physical strength in arms and legs that is needed for jumps and partnering unique to the male ballet dancer.

The Teen/Adult Ballet class has been designed specially for those with no previous experience but an interest in learning the basics of classical ballet, as well as for former dancers who have been away from the field for a while but want to keep their dancers’ muscle memory. Suitable for all skill levels, this class focuses on strengthening and toning the whole body while having fun!

Contemporary ballet utilizes elements and techniques from other styles of ballet—classical, romantic, and neoclassical—and combines them with improvisation and freer movements to create a style that’s expressive and nontraditional.This class will teach students technical skills, musicality, and expression of emotions through dance.

Jazz combines many styles and techniques from ethnic and contemporary dance to ballet. Our Jazz class teaches basic and more advanced (depending on the level) jazz dance steps, terminology and style with an emphasis on proper technique, alignment and movement quality. Class work and choreography is set to age appropriate jazz, R&B, ethnic and pop music.

Improvisation in dance is the process of spontaneously creating movement. Dancers in the Improvisation class are cued and encouraged to free the body from habitual movement patterns or mental blocks through topics, exercises and creative explorations of dramatic themes, abstract concepts, ideas of shapes and dynamics, partnering/group work, and a variety of planes of movement. Improv helps dancers (ballet dancers in particular), to break through fears of being different, wrong, or not good enough and to learn to move freely and compose dance in the moment to cultivate their unique voices as artists.

School Divisions and Class Levels

Metropolitan Youth Ballet offers class levels ranging from Preschool through Pre-Professional Level 6B. Click below to read more about each of our Divisions and the levels associated with each.

Our Preschool Division offers an engaging selection of movement and dance classes for children ages 3-6. For our youngest dancers, the goal is to have fun! Dancing and moving to music should be joyous and getting to be with beloved instructors and dance friends each week should be the highlight of a young dancer’s life!  MYB follows the ABT® National Training Curriculum philosophy and lesson plans that are designed for optimum physical and emotional fulfillment in this age group. Our instructors will focus on giving our youngest dancers an opportunity to stretch their imaginations and to delight in expressing their individuality through movement and musical awareness!

  • Joy of Dance (ages 3-4): Yellow Tutu Ballerinas and Yellow Sash Cavaliers is the first stop in a young dancer’s experience at BTCA! He/she will experience the joy of moving to music and expanding the imagination.  Our qualified instructors will take your young dancer to new heights of understanding about the art form of ballet in a joyful and imaginative setting.  45 minute class
  • Creative Dance (ages 4-5): Blue Tutu Ballerinas and Blue Sash Cavaliers is for the dancer whose cognitive/physical skills have grown exponentially since their days as 3 year olds.  The curriculum will reflect this new stage in a young dancer’s development with visual and physical props, and build the already active imaginative and problem solving skills that have been awakened in Joy of Dance. 45 minute class
  • Pre-Primary Ballet (ages 5-6): Pink Tutu Ballerinas and Black Sash Cavaliers is for the young dancer who is ready to take on the more refined skills of movement as it relates to musicality, dynamics, patterns, pathways, and artistic expression. This is the last step before entering the American Ballet Theatre® National Training Curriculum syllabus with proven results in developing the strong, nuanced wholesome pre-professional ballet dancer. 45 minute class
Our Lower Division offers classes for dancers (generally ages 6-9) in Primary A, Primary B, and Level 1A. MYB follows the ABT® National Training Curriculum philosophy and lesson plans that are designed for optimum physical and emotional fulfillment in this age group. Our instructors will continue to teach these young dancers about posture, musicality, rhythm, and spatial awareness, and move on to providing instruction in the basic feet and arm positions and their terminology. Dancers will also learn elements of the 7 basic classical ballet movements and the first 3 of the body directions, and how to travel around the space using dance steps. The most advanced dancers in this Division will also begin to learn additional arm positions, connecting steps, forms of arabesque and uses of the head in coordination with the body.

Dancers who take (and regularly attend) the suggested number/type of classes per week will receive the training and should gain the strength/ technique/knowledge necessary to be prepared to move up to the next level of training in a timely manner.

Primary A, Primary B: 1 Ballet class

Level 1A: 1-2 Ballet classes, PLUS 1 or more Jazz/Contemporary classes

Our Middle Division offers classes for dancers (generally ages 9-11) in Levels 1B and 2A. MYB follows the ABT® National Training Curriculum philosophy and lesson plans that are designed for optimum physical and emotional fulfillment in this age group. This division has a focus improving posture and musicality, learning additional arm positions, connecting steps, forms of arabesque, and uses of the head in coordination with the body.

Dancers who take (and regularly attend) the suggested number/type of classes per week will receive the training and should gain the strength/ technique/knowledge necessary to be prepared to move up to the next level of training in a timely manner.

Level 1B: 1-2 Ballet classes, PLUS 1 or more Jazz/Contemporary classes

Level 2A: 2 or more Ballet classes, PLUS 1 or more Pre-Pointe classes, PLUS 1 or more Jazz/Contemporary classes

Our Intermediate Division offers classes for dancers (generally ages 12 and older) in Levels 2B, 3A, and 3B. MYB follows the ABT® National Training Curriculum philosophy and lesson plans that are designed for optimum physical and emotional fulfillment in this age group. Our instructors will provide these maturing young dancers with more in-depth instruction in the classical ballet movements, connecting and traveling steps, and additional arm positions. They will also learn all variations of the darting steps (elancer), how to execute additional body directions in their steps, and additional forms of arabesque.

Dancers who take (and regularly attend) the suggested number/type of classes per week will receive the training and should gain the strength/ technique/knowledge necessary to be prepared to move up to the next level of training in a timely manner.

Level 2B: 2 or more Ballet classes, PLUS 1 or more Pre-Pointe classes, PLUS 1 or more Jazz/Contemporary classes

Levels 3A, 3B: 3 or more Ballet classes, PLUS 2 or more Pre-Pointe/Pointe classes, PLUS 1 or more Jazz/Contemporary classes

Our Upper/Pre-Professional Division offers classes for dancers (generally ages 13 and older) in Levels 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A and 6B. MYB follows the ABT® National Training Curriculum philosophy and lesson plans that are designed for optimum physical and emotional fulfillment in this age group.

At Level 4A and 4B, all dancers have a working knowledge of all the basic vocabulary of dance and are able to correctly execute all elements with their bodies. Dancers will continue mastering elements learned in lower levels and our instructors will begin to introduce the 3 different forms of 4th position and add 2 new forms of the arabesque. Head and arm coordination with the legs, and the use of body angles and new pathways to their steps are introduced. Elongating movements from the Russian school also begin to be introduced. Some focus is also given to classical repertory and solos, and variations, partnering, and character are introduced.

At Levels 5A and 5B dancers should understand and be able to execute the main ballet positions of the feet, arms, hands and head, as well as the 5 arabesques. Correct posture, body placement when in motion, use of turn out, use of the foot, use of porte de bras and epaulement should be understood and put into practice consistently. Dancers should understand the basic rules of ballet coordination and the laws of balance and thus be able to execute the transfer of weight correctly. Instructors will continue to provide more in-depth instruction on classical repertory and solos.

At the Pre-Professional Levels 6A and 6B training continues with additional steps and strengthening exercises incorporated in an accelerated manner. Partnering work is continued and refined. If/when aptitude is evident and the prescribed course of training has been meticulously followed, most pre-professional dancers in this curriculum are ready to audition for professional jobs with ballet companies or for top collegiate-level ballet programs.

Dancers who take (and regularly attend) the suggested number/type of classes per week will receive the training and should gain the strength/ technique/knowledge necessary to be prepared to move up to the next level of training in a timely manner.

Levels 4A, 4B: 4 or more Ballet classes, PLUS 3 or more Pointe/Variations/Partnering classes, PLUS 1 or more Jazz/Contemporary classes

Levels 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B: 5 or more Ballet classes, PLUS 4 or more Pointe/Variations/Partnering classes, PLUS 1 or more Jazz/Contemporary classes