2025 Audition Forms for Cinderella

Performances of Cinderella are May 23 & 24, 2025 (subject to change).

We welcome all eligible dancers to audition. There are exciting roles for boys and girls at all levels, and the experience of participating in a full-length ballet is an extraordinary one.

  • Auditions for levels 1B - 6B are Friday, January 17, at the MYB studio
  • Auditions for levels Primary A - 1A are Saturday, January 18, at the MYB studio
  • Dancers must be at least age 7 as of January 1, 2025, and enrolled in MYB's Primary A Level ballet or above to audition.
    • If your dancer does not meet the age/level requirements, or wants a more low-key introduction to performing, consider the “Be a Fairy” program for dancers age 5-8. Details are available on our Be a Fairy page. Dancers intending to enroll in the Be a Fairy program do not need to audition or fill out an audition form.

  • All dancers who wish to audition must fill out the online Audition Forms by Thursday, January 16 (this includes the Production Agreement, Photo Release, and Family Volunteer Agreement).
  • If your dancer cannot attend the audition, please contact the studio to make alternate arrangements.

There will be a meeting for parents of auditioning dancers during each audition time slot, where we will discuss important information for both new and veteran families. At least 1 parent/guardian per family is required; if your family has dancers in several audition groups, you need only attend one meeting.

Audition groupings are for the sole purpose of balancing numbers of dancers in the studio for each audition time slot. They do not affect the students’ casting or division.

Audition Schedule
Group 1: Levels 2B - 6B - Friday, January 17
  • 5:00 - 5:15 Dancer Check-In
  • 5:30 - 6:15 Warm-Up
  • 6:15 - 6:45 Audition
  • 5:30 - 6:00 Parent Meeting for New Parents of 2B+ Dancers
Group 2: Levels 1B - 2A - Friday, January 17
  • 6:30 - 6:45 Dancer Check-In
  • 7:00 - 7:45 Audition
  • 7:00 - 7:30 Mandatory Parent Meeting
Group 3: Primary A - 1A; at least 7 years old as of January 1, 2025 - Saturday, January 18
  • 11:30 - 11:45 Dancer Check-In
  • 12:00 - 12:45 Audition
  • 12:00 – 12:30 Mandatory Parent Meeting
Audition Dress Code

Ladies: Black leotard, pink or skin tone tights, pink ballet shoes (pink or skin tone pointe shoes at appropriate level), black chiffon or simple knit ballet skirt (optional). Hair should be in a ballet bun.

Gentlemen: Black tights or black biker shorts, white T- shirt, white socks and white ballet shoes OR black tights, white t-shirt, black ballet shoes. Dance belt is required for gentlemen ages 13+.

Rehearsals and Fees

Rehearsals begin Friday, January 24, and continue on a weekly basis as detailed below. A detailed schedule will be provided each week. All rehearsals will take place at MYB studios or STAR Bank Performing Arts Center, Zionsville (subject to change).

Fees are payable over 4 months (February - May) and are payable via check or the Studio Director payment system. Fees will be added to family accounts.

Each dancer will receive 1 complimentary USB of the performance of their choice (for auditioning dancers only, does not apply to Be a Fairy dancers).

Primary A through Level 1A
  • Weekly Rehearsals: Fridays between 5:00 and 7:00pm
    • Generally these dancers are called only for one hour at a time. We will begin with rehearsals in the 5:00 - 6:00 time slot. The time slot will change to 6:00 - 7:00 pm when the "Be a Fairy" program cast members begin rehearsals in March. At that point, certain dancers may be called to rehearse the full 2 hours allotted, depending on their roles.
  • No Saturday rehearsals except May dress rehearsals
  • Monthly Rehearsal Fee: $38 x 4 = $152 + Production Fee: $80 TOTAL = $232
Level 1B and Level 2A

Level 1B and 2A dancers have a choice of commitment level. These dancers should choose their commitment level when filling out their audition form.

Lower Commitment:

  • Weekly Rehearsals: Friday evenings between 5:00 and 7:00pm
  • No Saturday rehearsals except May dress rehearsals
  • Lower fees: Monthly Rehearsal Fee: $38 x 4 = $152 + Production Fee: $80 TOTAL = $232
  • Fewer or smaller roles

Higher Commitment:

  • Weekly Rehearsals:
    • 3-4 hours of rehearsal on Friday evenings between 5:00 and 9:00pm
    • Some Saturday rehearsals between 12:30 and 4:00pm, January through May, in addition to May dress rehearsals
  • Higher fees: Monthly Rehearsal Fee: $53 x 4 = $212 + Production Fee: $100 TOTAL = $312
  • More or larger roles
Level 2B through Level 6B
  • Weekly Rehearsals:
    • Wednesdays 8:30 - 9:30pm (as needed, depending on role)
    • Fridays 5:00 – 9:00pm
    • Saturdays 12:30 – 4:00pm
  • Monthly Rehearsal Fee: $53 x 4 = $212 + Production Fee: $100 TOTAL = $312
Production Dates (subject to change)

Exact call times for levels will be emailed closer to Dress Rehearsal Dates. Please block your calendar for the entire rehearsal time until you receive those details.

Dress Rehearsals:

All dress rehearsals are mandatory.

  • Dress Rehearsal #1 – Saturday, May 10, 1:00-4:00pm; MYB Studios
  • Dress Rehearsal #2 – Saturday, May 17, 1:00-4:00pm; MYB Studios
  • Dress Rehearsal #3 – Wednesday, May 21, 5:00-9:30pm; STAR Bank Performing Arts Center (subject to change)
  • Dress Rehearsal #4 – Thursday, May 22, 5:00-9:30pm; STAR Bank Performing Arts Center (subject to change)

Performances are at STAR Bank Performing Arts Center, Zionsville (subject to change):

  • Friday, May 23 at 7:30pm
  • Saturday, May 24 at 2:00pm

Please fill out and submit the forms below to audition for Cinderella.

  • Both dancer and parent must fill out the Dancer Audition Form, which includes the Production Agreement and Photo Release.
  • After submitting the Dancer Audition Form, you will automatically be redirected to the Family Volunteer Agreement. Households with more than one dancer only need to complete the Family Volunteer Agreement once.
  • Please ensure that both forms are submitted. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.
  • After submitting, there will be a link to click if you have additional dancers in your household. The Dancer Audition Form must be submitted separately for each auditioning dancer.
  • If you get an error after clicking submit on any form, please X out of the pink error message and hit submit a second time.
  • Please note that performance and dress rehearsal dates are subject to change.

All dancers who wish to audition MUST complete the Dancer Audition Form and Family Volunteer Agreement by Thursday, January 16.

Dancer Audition Form

Please enter one first name only, as you would like it to appear in the cast list.

May we send emails directly to the dancer? (Email will only be used for rehearsal and studio related information) *
I currently study at MYB: (check all that apply for the current semester)
Production Agreement

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for MYB’s upcoming production of Cinderella. Being a cast member of a MYB production is an exciting opportunity, but one that also comes with certain expectations and responsibilities. This Production Agreement outlines those expectations, and we ask that both dancer and parent/guardian read the details below carefully, check your agreement, and sign/date.

1. At Metropolitan Youth Ballet we strive to maintain a professional atmosphere while promoting dedication to the performing arts. Students must be enrolled in, and regularly attending, at least the minimum weekly required ballet classes at MYB in order to be part of the production (see requirements on our Required Classes page). Attendance will be monitored weekly.

2. Casting will be announced Wednesday, January 22. If your dancer is not registered for the minimum weekly required classes, you will be notified within the week following auditions so schedule adjustments can be made if desired.

3. Casting is at the sole discretion of MYB Artistic Staff and all decisions are final. MYB Artistic Directors, faculty, executive staff & board members will not entertain discussions or meetings regarding casting grievances. In addition, any negative "chatter" regarding casting - on social media, in the studio, or otherwise - among cast members and their families is considered unacceptable, as it does NOT reflect the respectful behavior expected from pre-professional ballet company members/families at MYB and globally. Dancers/family members responsible for questioning casting decisions and/or generating negative chatter do so at the risk of losing their/their dancer's assigned roles and in extreme cases risk losing their/their dancer's opportunity to participate in the current production.

4. Students must attend all company rehearsals. Poor rehearsal attendance will affect your student’s preparedness for performances and may result in exclusion from participation in performance opportunities.

5. Dress code and demeanor in the rehearsal studio will be held to a high standard.

6. Rehearsal/production schedules, information, and choreography videos will be posted to the MYB website’s Members page (password MYB2024). Changes and updates will be sent by e-mail. Please check these two sources prior to calling the studio with questions. We strive to update you regularly and often, but please understand that schedules are subject to change.

7. Rehearsals, including dress rehearsals, are closed to visitors and parents.

8. Additional expenses may be incurred for travel, parking, extra shoes, make up and other performance-related items. Detailed information will be provided in advance in such cases. Costumes do not need to be purchased as they are part of MYB's costume inventory.

9. Certain cast members may be invited/requested to participate in local community outreach events to help promote the performance (ie. libraries, senior centers, festivals). Details will be provided as early as possible to facilitate planning and scheduling. If you are not contacted, your dancer is not required.

We have read the information provided and fully understand the requirements, rehearsals, fees, and responsibilities required to participate in this MYB production. By typing your name below, you agree to the terms set above. Typing your name serves as your signature.

Any additional information you would like us to know:

Photo Release Agreement

(“Production” includes rehearsals, outreach events at libraries and local festivals, as well as the actual production at the theatre.)

I grant Metropolitan Youth Ballet of Indiana the right to take photographs/video of my family members and me in connection with the above-identified activity. I authorize Metropolitan Youth Ballet, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically.

I agree that Metropolitan Youth Ballet may use such footage of my family members or me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example, such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, social media, and web content.

I have read and understand the above. By typing my name below, I agree to the terms set above. Typing my name serves as my signature.